Thursday, July 2, 2009

Be our Tour Guide

Each day a tour guide helps us out with the featured destination. Links to your blog and information about your place of choice will be included. If you are interested (please please do be, this won't work without you!) answer the following questions and email them to Katie at

1. Where do you want to take us? This could be your current or childhood home, a place you've been to that will never forget, your favorite Vacation spot etc.

2. Tell us about this place. Why do you love it? What makes it unique? What are you favorite past times while there?

3. Give us posts. Go through your past blog posts and find a few that can help us get to know this place better. Give us the urls of your favorites.

4. If you have pictures that aren't in your posts please email a few.

0 travel with us!:

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I am not a world traveler, researcher, writer or photographer. I have never been to most of the places I write about. I basically copy and past the information that people submit to me. All copyright is to remain with the featured blogger.

I can't guarantee that all information is accurate or up to date. As some experiences have happened in the past with some memories and emotions mixed in.

My posts are short and sweet, I can only give you a small glimpse inside the featured place. Knowing there is much more to a place than a few paragraphs, I will write about the same place multiple times if anyone would like to submit their view on it as well.