Monday, August 23, 2010

Trying to figure it out

Anyone still out there? A huge apology to you if you are. I promised I was back in action and then I immediately went MIA again. I tried, I really did, but I'm such a perfectionist that it takes me hundreds of hours to get one post 'right' enough to publish, and then there is all the PR I have to do to so that I have some content to post in the first place.

I was working on this one post for three months, whenever I got a chance, and it just wouln't come together. I got really frustrated when I was taking so long to post that I pushed it out of my mind and back into hibernation I went for a couple more months.

I really do LOVE this blog and I really do want it to work. I've been thinking about getting some guest bloggers. But I don't have time to search them out and beg. I also thought about setting a somewhat achievable goal - like one post a month. But would that be enough (it's more than none right??). Humm... any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Until I figure it out please enjoy these links to a few other traveling sites:
Everything Everywhere
Bart's Travel Blog
Jet Set Girls

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Awaking from hibernation - or the sand!

I have no idea why but when I thought about the phrase, awaking from hibernation, I didn't think of a bear coming out of a cave but rather I thought of a monster jumping out of a mound of sand...

So to celebrate my wake from a very long winters nap I want to share an amazing list of sand sculptures from around the world. Hold on tight, cover your eyes and view the mindblowing creations!!

More travels are coming soon, if you want your place to be one of them simply submit it. And remember comment, comment, comment!!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Settling Down for a Long Winter's Nap

It's really been a whole month since I posted?!!! So sorry guys. Love me anyways please? I'll be back and better than ever come the new year. Till then enjoy your travels and be sure to post about them so I can feature you.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Road Trip - North Devon

Rebecca of La Belle Mere wants to share her vacation to North Devon with us. Rebecca lives in Bristol, England which, fortunately for her, is a little over an hour away from the gorgeous coastal region of North Devon.

North Devon is an area of outstanding natural beauty, famous for Cream Teas, Surf and Exmoor's wild ponies and she visits there often. The scenery is stunning, the beaches are spotless and the Cream Teas are to die for!!! "We're so lucky to live so close to this gorgeous region" Rebecca explains.

Saunton beach is one of North Devon's premier Surf Spots, one bay along the coast from the famous Croyde Bay area.

The camp site she stayed at recently is in the Doone Valley on beautiful Exmoor. This is where the famous book Lorna Doone was set. I think I could be pretty happy here too in this gorgeous place how about you?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Destination - Maidstone, Kent

Mesina wants to share her home of Maidstone, Kent with us. Mesina moved to Kent, England 10 years ago and fell in love the minute she arrived at Heathrow. The Kent country side is one of England's most beautiful, green, lush and very serene.

It's not as untouched as the West Country (which is so stunning!) but its the perfect place to be if you want to be outside London itself for something a little quieter.

About the British Mesina says, "The British are...well the British! The glass is sometimes always half empty here, but seeing as I'm a little nuts they tend to call me mad and laugh along with me."

She loves Europe and loves being close to places like France, Germany and Holland. In fact her other half is Dutch and from Rotterdam (Also, very cool city) and they live in Kent together in foreign bliss. How sweet and romantic is that?!

Go visit Mesina and read all about her love story life. She blogs about all kinds of things I'm sure you'll find something you'll enjoy reading. And don't forget to comment!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Destination - Faroe Islands

Ershinta is taking us to the Faroe Islands today. Faroe Islands is the autonomous province of Denmark but when in the Faroes never ever say you are in Denmark!

Faroese is the national language, although everyone does understand Danish and English. The Faroese people are the descendants of vikings, but contrary to the popular belief that vikings are mean and gruesome, these people are extremely polite, soft-spoken and friendly.

One thing that makes this country unique is that there is no tree in the country! Food, therefore, is limited to imported greens and fruits...and of course, stuff that they do have here - lamb, and fish.

Since this destination is so unique, peaceful and beautiful I think it best explained by the following video. I've also included some posts from Ershinta for your all to read and comment on (one post talks about chocolate bread - how cool is that!).

All things Faroese

Misconceptions about the Faroe Islands..and the truth!

Norðoyastevna - Summer Festival!!

Faroe Islands in 360 degrees

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Destination - Heidelberg, Germany

Sandra at Head over Heals is teaching us about Germany!! She was born in Heidelberg but never really lived there. She moved back to go to school and Heidelberg stole her heart, like it does to so many others. Heidelberg is definitely a MUST SEE!

Heidelberg is unique for it's castle above the old town and it's river rhine tour.

Here you'll find a mix of many different nations (a lot of Americans there for a visit, to study or the military) and the charm of a very old German town surrounded by a beautiful area of hills and trees.

Isn't it just beautiful. Can you see all those aspiring dreams and bright minds a working in the picture above? How about all the romance and tradition floating around in the air?

We would totally love it in here in the winter time too! Just check out the Christmas Market Sandra went to. She awed at all the beautiful brightly painted stars while sipping hot honey wine - YUMMY!!!


I am not a world traveler, researcher, writer or photographer. I have never been to most of the places I write about. I basically copy and past the information that people submit to me. All copyright is to remain with the featured blogger.

I can't guarantee that all information is accurate or up to date. As some experiences have happened in the past with some memories and emotions mixed in.

My posts are short and sweet, I can only give you a small glimpse inside the featured place. Knowing there is much more to a place than a few paragraphs, I will write about the same place multiple times if anyone would like to submit their view on it as well.